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Healthy Eating


I am happy to provide meals. These incur a small extra fee.   

My commitment to healthy eating

I am committed to providing the children in my care with a healthy diet. To grow and stay healthy children need to eat a nutritionally well balanced diet.


As an OFSTED registered childminder it is my duty to positively promote the health and well-being of the children in my care. By encouraging healthy eating habits in childhood we can help influence health and well-being in later life.

The food I provide is fresh, healthy, wholesome and nutritious.


I am able to provide homemade, hot, balanced and nutritious meals. Typical hot meals include macaroni cheese, spaghetti bolognaise, penne with tomato and mascarpone sauce and tuna pasta bake. Yogurt or fruit is served for desert.

All ingredients and recipes are available to view upon request.

Where parents provide lunchboxes, I encourage these to be healthy,

informed choices.

Snacks and Drinks 

I provide children healthy snacks and drinks of milk and water.



When babies are weaning I ask that parents provide their own

food to ensure they do not react to new things. Once weaned, I am

happy to provide food if required. I am happy to sterilize and make

up bottles for babies. I ask that your choice of milk is provided.


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